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27/03/2022Development of ability to perform activities of daily living of bedridden elderly people by Thai traditional medicine
List of authors
Laddawan Choothong1*Yamila Domea2
1 Faculty of Integrative Medicine, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathum Thani 12130, Thailand
2 Faculty of Integrative Medicine, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Pathum Thani 12130, Thailand
The purpose of this study was to assess the ability to perform basic Activities of Daily Living (ADL)of bedridden elderly before and after being developed by using Thai traditional medicine(massage and herbalcompress).In this studyPDCA was appliedasaresearch method. The target group was specifically selected including30 bedridden elderly people in Bang Phun, Mueang Pathum Thani Provincewith the ADLscore of lessthan 12. The tool used in this study included,the Barthel ADL index was used.The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentages, means, and standard deviation.The findings of this study clearly showedthelevels of ability to perform activities of dailylivingbefore andafter the application of Thai traditional medicine.The level of ability of moderate dependency was reduced from 70.00%to56.67%while thethat of theelderly people with stightly less dependency in thegroup was reduced from 6.67%to 20.00%. Thecomparison of mean score differencesof the ability to perform ADLof the bedridden elderlybefore and after the application of Thai traditional medicine showed that the life quality score increased from 7.53 to7.87afterthe application of Thai traditionalmedicine. Therefore, the ability to perform basic daily activities of bedridden elderly was increasing and a significant and statistical proven difference (P < 0.05) have been observed. View Full-text
Keywords:Capacity in activitiesof daily living, Bedridden elderly, Thai traditional medicine
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.